My Guest Appearance on “Both Sides Now and Beyond” with Psychic Medium James Van Praagh and Kellee White

 Synchronicities at Work

Our dear friends were visiting us from Sedona for the weekend. That Sunday, I had a previous commitment and could not join them on their day trip to Ojai. Our mutual friend, Angela, accompanied Lisa and Leslie to Ojai for lunch. And later that afternoon, I began getting texts from the three women urging me to hurry home and that we were invited to dinner with James Van Praagh! For those of you who may not be familiar with this extraordinary personality, he is a world - renowned psychic medium whose work I had admired for years. As it turned out, Lisa and Leslie had known James and coincidently, he was visiting Ojai that day.

As soon as I arrived home, the four of us drove to Santa Barbara where we met James and his canine companion, Pearl. It was such a treat for me to meet James in person. As you might imagine, conversations were “spirited”! That evening, James asked me if I was a healer and wanted to hear more about Connecting Your Dots and a healing technique that I had developed called the Duchini Codes.

We talked about how early in my energy practice, I discovered that objects, such as jewelry, can also absorb, contain, and emit energy. Throughout the years of working with energy fields,  I began thinking about the possibility of “packaging” energy in some way that could  help more people when they needed it most. As I began to develop this idea more, we began to think of it as “energy-on-the-go”!

Watch the podcast,  CLICK HERE!

Divine Alignment

My dream became a reality. In 2014, I made a prototype and brought it to a networking event in Los Angeles.

You can read my story,  CLICK HERE.

The Duchini Codes are so simple to use. Abundant frequencies are encoded in a picture. Simply having an intention and looking at the picture will enable a flow of information that delivers energetic support to the whole person: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

At the dinner table, I offered one of my Duchini Codes to James. In just a few moments of looking at the picture, he could feel the effects of the energies and said “This is the real deal.” The next thing I heard was an invitation from James Van Praagh to be a guest on his show!


As more people experience the gentle power of the Duchini Codes, I see greater potential for their use. I am now incorporating them in my energy practice as well as my personal life and developing more Codes that will be added to the collection. I feel immense gratitude knowing these codes are helping people to lighten their burdens and to connect with their inner wisdom so that they can be at their best.

“Every time I look at the picture, I smile😊 The energy goes straight into my heart. ❤️” -Annie, CA

Special Offers for You


“Calm Centered Whole” is one of my favorite energy tools to bring about a quick release from tension. This code is my way of saying thank you when you join my mailing list.

And if you would like a readily available way to align and support your chakras, try my

Ultimate Chakra Healing Set

with 7 individual pdfs, one for each chakra! Use promo code JVP75 until June 30th, 2024.

I'd love to hear your experiences with the Duchini Codes! Email




Our physical bodies as well as our thoughts and emotions are essentially energy. A natural flow of balanced energy goes hand in hand with a balanced life. As we all know, modern day stressors are inevitable and when that happens, we may need assistance for our body, mind, and spirit to center and balance. There numerous ways we can do that:  walking in nature, grounding, mind-body practices, energy healing, etc. What if there was a way to get instant help when you need it most.

How The Duchini Codes Came To Be

In the early days of my energy healing practice, a woman came to me asking for help with a difficult relationship she was experiencing with her adult son. In the course of our conversation, I felt that she was being negatively affected by something she was wearing. When I brought this to her attention, she removed her ring and placed it in my hand and asked “Is it this?” I had never before felt such a strong energy from an inanimate object. As it turned out, the ring had belonged to her deceased mother and it was their relationship that needed healing.

That experience showed me that objects absorb energy and that energy can be transferred and also transformed.

In 2014, I was helping a client to overcome chronic debilitating pain and during her session, I channeled a very specific energy correction for her. This wasn’t out of the ordinary, or so I thought. As it happened,  information I was receiving was in a language I found myself unable to pronounce or spell. At that point, I wasn’t sure how to communicate this. I decided to rely on my artist brain and grabbed blank paper and a pen. At that moment, my hand began moving very fast, automatically. When the abstract drawing was completed, I handed it to my client and her response was remarkable. In seconds, she stood up and began to walk back and forth while stretching and rotating her hips. She beamed a big smile and we were astounded! Angela was the first person to receive specific energetic corrections directly from an image. Today, she is my go-to person for bouncing ideas and testing energy codes.

One of the first people to hold my protype of “Calm Centered Whole” was a dentist from Japan. He brought an interpreter with him to a networking event in Los Angeles where I had an opportunity to launch this product. The doctor held it for a few moments and said to me in English, “calm, calm”. His interpreter asked me if it was available for sale as he wanted to offer this to his patients! So many stories like that provided the energy and momentum I needed to continue this project.

These fantastical experiences marked the beginning of a new approach to energy healing that led me to develop the Duchini Codes. These are direct healings in the form of pictures that are embedded with dynamic frequencies of information for the body, mind, and spirit.

Healing at Your Fingertips

To ensure that you have energy support available to you when you want it most, they are now in the form of downloadable pdfs for instant transfer to your phone or computer.

Using a Duchini Code is meant to be effortless. To activate healing energy, simply begin with one intention. This can be said aloud or silently. Then look at the picture as you would a photograph or a painting. Some people prefer to look at the pictures while standing. Others who look at the picture while in a sitting position tell us that it worked well for them too. More recently, people are telling me that they use the picture on their computer as a screen saver or print it to keep on their office desk or kitchen counter. I encourage everyone to experiment. Let your own intuition guide you.

“A picture is worth a thousand words” The pictures of the Duchini Codes that you see on my website are like book covers. When you download your selection, the picture you will see is embedded with healing energies. It’s as if the contents of the book are condensed similar to a barcode: a lot of information in a small symbol for fast and easy access.

Looking to the Future

Currently there are over seventy Duchini Codes with more in process. I am excited to begin  working with devices that can measure a person’s physical and emotional states before and after using a Duchini Code. Skepticism is healthy. It keeps us sharp and focused. I feel providing empirical knowledge will open more minds and help more people. That is the ultimate goal afterall.

It always amazes me how the universe has no shortage of creative ways to get our attention. I picture this phenomenon like the pencil drawings that are created by connecting numbered dots. The big difference between childhood drawings and real- life events is that we accumulate thousands of dots and they are not arranged in a logical sequence.

Welcome to Connecting Your Dots!

Connecting Your Dots began with that flash of awareness that energy and consciousness are linked, and that the human energy field is deeply connected with physical, emotional, and spiritual health. That realization came to me when, with the help of an energy practitioner, I was able to avert spinal surgery and resolve pain I had been struggling with for over two years. As I let myself absorb what was happening, a world of possibilities opened for me and I believed that I could use this knowledge to make a difference in the world.

Countless interests and challenges in my life served to lay the groundwork for this to happen. I had the good fortune of having a wonderful family with opportunities for education and travel. I was encouraged to use my imagination and do my best. But my life wasn’t without challenges and setbacks. Still, even at my lowest points, I had an unshakeable belief that there was something outside of my awareness that was trying to communicate with me. Throughout my life, I was aware of and could feel the presence of relatives who had passed away and I somehow knew how events would unfold before they actually happened. These events were sporadic and I believed them to be outside of my control.

2005 was a pivotal year for my evolution. I was introduced to Dr Kam Yuen and began my training with him in the esteemed Yuen Method. As I transitioned from my career in art and academia to the world of quantum energy, I developed highly accurate intuitive abilities and applied this skill in countless practical ways. This became the inspiration for Connecting Your Dots.

I am passionate about helping people and deeply gratified to witness transformational changes in so many lives. It is a joy for me to work in person with individuals and small groups at my home in California. Remote healing work has given me opportunities to also meet with clients all over the world. Wherever you are on your path in life, know that you are blessed and supported. Be open to clues. There is a force guiding you.

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